A bout us :


Our company operates in Libya since 2012 . It is a part of medical healthcare . It has nation most well known and trusted brands is delivering its services to medical industry for improvements of Libyan health mission .

Medical Scope Ltd seeks to bring high quality products cost effective prices to the hospitals and the private clinic sectors , we aim to do this with enthusiasm intelligence and sense of enjoyment at being one of the most successful surgical device providers

Medical Scope Ltd Healthcare has been involved in endoscopic and laparoscopic systems contain several product and system solutions for the medical field since its earliest days .

This depth of experience selling endoscopic and surgical products makes Medical Scope Healthcare an ideal distribution partner .



Health Care

Best Quality

Most Cheapest

Doctors : As products specialist and application support .

Engineers :  As services and training support .

Sales team : As knowledge support and information of a new products , as promoting the new equipment and informing our clients about any new technology .

Administration : As public relation support .